Our Mission at Alice Drive is to help as many people as possible take their Next Step toward Jesus Christ.
65 Masters Dr Sumter, SC 29154 |
AdultsBelonging is an essential next step for each of us, and belonging happens best in LIFE Groups. It’s where we do life together!
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KidsWe exist to help as many kids as possible take their next step toward Jesus Christ.
We exist to help as many kids as possible take their next step toward Jesus Christ. Your kids will learn about Jesus on their level and in age-appropriate rooms. If you’re new, please let us know, and we will gladly show you around!
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StudentsWe exist to help as many students as possible take their next step toward Jesus Christ.
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Common Questions
What kind of church is Alice Drive Baptist Church?Alice Drive is a place of grace welcoming people from all walks of life. We value children, students, and families and believe the Bible adds value to real life situations. Alice Drive wants everyone to know Jesus in a personal, experiential way and learn what their Next Step is in their walk with Him.
Will I have to say anything, sign anything, or be singled out?Rest assured that you won’t be put on the spot, singled-out, or embarrassed. We do like to collect some basic information from first time visitors, but if you’d prefer not to, that’s alright with us. If you filled out a Connect Card and checked First Time Guest on Sunday, a gift will be delivered to your home. On Mondays or special occasions, you may pick up a gift at the Information Center in the Lobby.
What about my kids?On Sunday Mornings at all of our campuses, as well as on Monday Nights at our Loring Mill Campus, we have a well-trained and fully staffed nursery for all services.
During the 9:45 and 11:00 services we have LIFE Groups for newborn-5th grade, and LIFE Groups for Middle and High Schoolers. They are welcome to enjoy two hours of teaching if you decide to go to an hour of worship and an hour of LIFE Groups yourself.
Parents are always welcome to attend and observe any of our kid’s ministries; or if you feel more comfortable, kids are more than welcome in the worship service. |
What are your services like?Alice Drive’s services focus mostly on worship and preaching. We’ll share some announcements during the morning, express our hearts to God through music, and hear a teaching about God’s word.
The 8:30 am service at Loring Mill is a classic service for those who are most comfortable connecting to God through hymns.
The music at the 9:45 & 11 am as well as the Monday services at 7 pm (Loring Mill only) are modern. You’ll hear worship music, both old and new, done in a vibrant style by our music team using modern instruments and technology. You may see people with their hands up or down, eyes open or closed, but worship here is all about honoring and giving praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Will I be expected to give money when I come?At each service we collect tithes and offerings, because God calls us to (Mal. 3:10), and because that’s how any church receives funding to operate. But as our guest, don’t feel any obligation to participate in this part of the service.
How to learn more?Attend our Starting Point Class which is the first Sunday of most months in Room 104 at 12:15 at Loring Mill campus and once a quarter at other campuses.
It’s a basic introduction to our church family designed to clearly explain our history, who we are, what we believe, what our church is all about, and how to get connected. This is a great opportunity to learn about Alice Drive Baptist Church, get to know some of our staff and for us to get to know you. After the class you can decide whether or not you would like to join our church body through membership. |

Scott Russell
Scott is our Pocalla Campus Pastor. He was born in Florida, raised in Georgia, and recently pastored a church in Kentucky for 11 years. He has a daughter, who is doing graduate work in Music, and a son, who just started college this Fall, majoring in Art Education.
Have any questions? Feel free to contact us here: